Saturday, October 17, 2015

Cooking with a Cast Iron Skillet

Hello! I recently moved and bought a cast iron skillet because I heard those things are all-around great, so today was my first time cooking with it. I had a bunch of chicken breasts and some tomatoes I had to finish, so I just threw in some garlic and made this quick, simple recipe:

Step 1: Cut up tomatoes and garlic

Step 2: Heat up oil and garlic

Step 3: Cook chicken breasts (add salt and pepper)

Step 4: Add in the tomatoes

Step 5: Enjoy!

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Shiitake Mushrooms

Hello! It's been a while... I saw a good deal on shiitake mushrooms at my local grocery store and so I decided to make some mushroom miso soup and mushroom risotto.

I've never cooked mushrooms before, so I learned a lot. For example, you want to separate the cap from the stem:

 I froze the stems so that I could use them in a soup base later

I boiled the mushrooms with my rice cooker

Used half of the mushrooms + water for a miso soup base

Used the other half of the mushrooms + water for a risotto